Looking for the right massage for you in Auckland?

You’ve come to the right place! But hurry, spaces are limited!

“If you need multiple sessions it pays to book well ahead of time
to ensure you get the sessions that best suit you”

Choosing the right massage for you…

It can be confronting choosing someone for your first massage as it is a very personal experience. Part of this decision is deciding what type of massage you need or want. A registered massage therapist will have a vast range of techniques and therapies available that they can apply based on your needs. Some will specialise in a particular area and there are dozens of different approaches, but all should be focussed on your wellbeing and comfort. Your massage should make you feel better, not in more pain than when you started!

What are the benefits of massage therapy?


Our Clients Enjoy…

  • Improved sleep patterns

  • Faster recovery from social sports training

  • Relieved pain caused by the stress of daily life

  • Reduced muscle tension that limited movement and flexibility

  • Improved posture and realignment of body imbalances

  • Relief from headaches and migraines

  • Neck pain and back pain caused by tight muscles…gone!

  • Pre-game conditioning and post-game recovery sessions (NRL)

Stressful lives keep us busy and tie our bodies into knots. Therapeutic massage unties those knots and relieves the stress that our bodies can hold.Therapeutic Massage…

Stressful lives keep us busy and tie our bodies into knots. Therapeutic massage unties those knots and relieves the stress that our bodies can hold.

Therapeutic Massage…

Targeting specific muscle groups sports massage uses a range of techniques to help you get the most out of your training and chosen sport.Sports Massage…

Targeting specific muscle groups sports massage uses a range of techniques to help you get the most out of your training and chosen sport.

Sports Massage…

Myofascial release can be effective therapy after surgery, injury, scarring, inflammation & poor posture. Talk to us about adding it to your next session.Myofascial Release…

Myofascial release can be effective therapy after surgery, injury, scarring, inflammation & poor posture. Talk to us about adding it to your next session.

Myofascial Release…

Cupping can be beneficial for musculoskeletal aches and pains reducing pain & brings essential nutrients to areas of tensionCupping Therapy…

Cupping can be beneficial for musculoskeletal aches and pains reducing pain &
brings essential nutrients to areas of tension

Cupping Therapy…

Who do we work with?

Our clients come from all walks of life and for very different reasons. Sports massage is sometimes associated with elite and high level sports people, but everyday people like us also benefit from regular massage sessions. Your sport is not only about winning or being the best, it is about enjoying what you do! This includes after the game when we have to do all that other stuff like work and looking after our families. Regular massage whether it be for sport or general well-being keeps your body moving without those stiff joints and muscles from the weekend.

Attune Massage Therapists have provided sports massage to the All Blacks, Vodafone Warriors, Super Rugby, NRL and many more top sports teams and athletes helping to keep the them in top condition. Working with top level sports teams is great because these athletes understand the benefit our treatments provide. We are even seeing teenage players from rugby, soccer, hockey and long distance runners coming in for regular massages, realising the benefits of keeping their muscles and joints supple and flexible.

In association with New Zealand College of Massage, we have been proud to be able to support amazing community events such as Oxfam Trailwalkers, Relay for Life, Women’s Burns Retreat.

This is so rewarding and a privilege to be able to support these heroes!